일반자료/6.좋은글 자료(1022)
죽지 않았습니다
Not Dead - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow He is not dead--the child of our affection-- But gone unto that school Where he no longer needs our poor protection, And Christ Himself doth rule. Day after day we think what he is doing In those bright realms of air; Year after year, his tender steps pursuing, Behold him grown more fair. Thus do we walk with him, and keep unbroken The bond which nature giv..
2006.04.18 -
The Cross -Trans by John Wesley Extended on a cursed tree, Besmeared with dust,and sweat,and blood, See there,the King of glory see! Sinks and expires the Son of God. I,I alone, have done the deed! 'Tis I thy sacred flesh have torn; My sins have caused thee,Lord,to bleed, Pointed the nail, and fixed the thorn. The burden,for me to sustain Too great,on thee,my Lord,was laid; To heal me,thou hast..
2006.04.18 -
Sin-John Bunyan Sin is the living worm, the lasting fire; Hell soon would lose its heat could sin expire. Better sinless in hell than to be where Heaven is and to be found a sinner there One sinless with infernals might do well, But sin would make of Heaven a very Hell, Fools make a mock of sin,will not believe It carries such a dagger in it’s sleeve How can it be,say they,that such a thing S..
2006.04.18 -
뿌리는 자와 같이
As a Man Soweth-Johann W von Goethe We must not hope to be mowers, And to gather the ripe gold ears, Unless we have first been sowers And watered the furrows with tears. It is not just as we take it, This mystical world of ours, Life’s field will yield as we make it A harvest of thorns or of flowers. 뿌리는 자와 같이-요한 W 괴테 우리가 눈물로 씨를 뿌리지 않고 밭이랑..
2006.04.18 -
선교의 외침
A MISSIONARY CRY-A B Simpson A hundred thousand souls a day, Are passing one by one away, In Christless guilt and gloom. Without one ray of hope or light, With future dark as endless night, They’re passing to their doom. O Holy Ghost,Thy people move, Baptize thier hearts with faith and love, And consecrate their gold. At Jesus’ feet their millions pour, And all their ranks unite once more, ..
2006.04.18 -
가장 중요한 질문.
< 인생의 3가지 고민과 가장 중요한 질문 2. > :+: 가장 중요한 질문 :+: 중요한 것은 하나님이 우리의 삶에 대해 어떻게 생각하시느냐 뿐이다. 어느 날, 하나님은 이러한 삶의 질문들에 대한 우리의 답을 검토하실 것이다. 예수님을 삶의 중심에 두었는가? 그분의 성품을 닮아가고 있는가? 다른 사람들..