Your Love is Beautiul / 힐송

2006. 9. 7. 15:53찬양자료/4.복음성가 모음

Your Love is Beautiful
(아름다운 주 사랑)
You surrounded me with songs of praise
(찬양의 노래 날 감싸는) 
You have brought me to this place
(이곳에 이끄셨네)
Where Your love and grace
(사랑과 은혜)
Move Within my life
(내게 넘치니)
Now Tour message is my light
(주말씀이 나의 빛)
Your love is beautiful(*2)
(아름다운 주 사랑)
It's the reason why I sing
(나로 찬양케하네)
All around the world
(모든 나라로) 
Let the praise begin (*2)
I am plane here by the waters
(나는 물가에 심겨진 나무)
And I'm living for the King
(왕을 위해 살리라)
I have found my peace in the house of God
(내가 있을 곳 하나님의)
This is where I'm meant to be 
(참된 평화 찾았네)