2006. 6. 9. 01:25ㆍ운영자자료/1.운영자 자료실 1
프로타고라스(Protagoras, BC 485?∼BC 414?)
소크라테스(Socrates, BC 469∼BC 399)
哲人政治(rule of philosophers)
아리스토텔레스(Aristoteles, BC 384∼BC 322)
에피쿠로스(Epikouros, BC 342?∼BC 271)
베드로(Peter the Apostle, ?∼AD 64 ?)
아우구스티누스(Aurelius Augustinus, 354.11.13∼430.8.28)
토마스 아퀴나스(Thomas Aquinas, 1225?∼1274. 3. 7)
普遍論爭(controversy of universal)
마르틴 루터(Martin Luther, 1483.11.10∼1546.2.18)
칼뱅(Jean Calvin, 1509.7.10∼1564.5.27)
베이컨(Francis Bacon, 1561.1.22∼1626.4.9)
홉스(Thomas Hobbes, 1588.4.5∼1679.12.4)
로크(John Locke, 1632.8.29∼1704.10.28)
버클리(George Berkeley, 1685.3.12∼1753.1.14)
흄(David Hume, 1711.4.26∼1776.8.25)
대륙 합리론(continental rationalism)
스피노자(Baruch de Spinoza, 1632.11.24∼1677.2.21)
라이프니츠(Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, 1646.7.1∼1716.11.14)
사회 계약설(theory of social contract)
루소(Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712.6.28∼1778.7.2)
칸트(Immanuel Kant, 1724.4.22∼1804.2.12)
피히테(Johann Gottlieb Fichte, 1762.5.19∼1814.1.27)
셸링(Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, 1775.1.21∼1854.8.20)
헤겔(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1770.8.27∼1831.11.14)
벤담(Jeremy Bentham, 1748. 2.15∼1832.6.6)
밀(John Stuart Mill, 1806.5.20∼1873.5.7)
콩트(Isidore-Auguste-Marie-Franiois-XaviAr Comte, 1798.1.19∼1857.9.4)
포이어바흐(Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach, 1804.7.28∼1872.9.13)
마르크스(Karl Heinrich Marx, 1818.5.5∼1883.3.14)
엥겔스(Friedrich Engels, 1820.11.28∼1895.8.5)
변증법적 유물론(dialectical materialism)
사적 유물론(historical materialism)
현대 철학(contemporary philosophy)
생의 철학(philosophy of life/Lebensphilosophie)
쇼펜하우어(Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788.2.22∼1860.9.21)
니체(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, 1844.10.15∼1900.8.25)
키에르케고르(Soren Aabye Kierkegaard, 1813.5.5∼1855.11.11)
야스퍼스(Karl Theodor Jaspers, 1883.2.23∼1969.2.26)
하이데거(Martin Heidegger, 1889.9.26∼1976.5.26)
사르트르(Jean-Paul Sartre, 1905.6.21∼1980.4.15)
듀이(John Dewey, 1859.10.20∼1952.6.1)
비트겐슈타인(Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein, 1889.4.26∼1951.4.29)
후설(Edmund Husserl, 1859.4.8∼1938.4.26)
그람시(Antonio Gramsci, 1891.1.22∼1937.4.27)
루카치(Lukccs Gyrgy, 1885.4.13∼1971.6.4)
프로이트(Sigmund Freud, 1856.5.6∼1939.9.23)
호르크하이머(Max Horkheimer, 1895∼1973)
아도르노(Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, 1903.9.11∼1969.8.6)
마르쿠제(Herbert Marcuse, 1898.7.19∼1979.7.29)
프롬(Erich Fromm, 1900.3.23∼80.3.18)
레비스트로스(Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1908.11.28∼1991)
데리다(Jacques Derrida, 1930.7.15∼)
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